Alhamdulillah..wish we have a blessed Ramadhan..I spent the first one week with Mak n Ayah at Kuala Selangor. And Mak n I even got the chance to fly to Alor Setar to berbuka puasa at Mak Ndak Ani's place on the 5th Ramadhan. I was so happy to spend days with my mom n dad since my hubby went off to Frankfurt for about a week. It so happen Ramadhan starts along with school mid sem break!Those days were so fine..visiting Awie (my dear sis) with her Aneka Bubur stall at PaRam Kuala Selangor..(God knows how me against her decision to quit her job!!)To Awie, may u succeed in anything that you chose to do.I do believe, there are so many path to choose, n I do believe there is no solid answer "correct" or "wrong" for any decision made.We just have to stay strong and work things out!!Good luck dear sista!!
When the school reopened, we started to distribute those exam papers to the students and discussed the answers. No arguement this time compared to the previous Mid Year Exam..its either the students were really satisfied or they do not have the energy!!hehe...poor them..they look so sleepy in class!!(this is when teachers have to be extremely creative to make them alive!!)
I was then a bit busy with the Majlis Solat Hajat for PMR, SPM n STPM candidates..I'm a PTA Secretary (Parents-Teachers Association a.k.a Setiausaha Kehormat Persatuan Ibu Bapa & Guru, PIBG).Well, I would say the event was successful with a big number of attendees n most importantly, the dramatic moments when those students hugged the parents n cried..(the teachers cried too=p)
Now..on 23rd Ramadhan..I havent made any decision where to go back..we do follow the turns..but things are so uncertain this year..I'll blog about it later once a final decision made!
Praying for the BEST!