Hey hey hey..
My best buddy's getting married SOON!!
Let me share who's she..
Full name: Norfarah Wirda bt Holid
Nick Name: Wirda (since Form 1), when she turned 20 she told me "from now onwards please call me Farah"..no more Kodol (hehe, our Asrama Puteri's special nickname)but I bet, that was the most remarkable aite??hehe
B.O.D : Sept 6th, 1980
Position : Audiologist (UKM Grad)
Knew her since : Jan 1992
We were dormmates for : 4 years
We went to same secondary school for 5 years, same Matriculation Centre for 1 year, then to the same university..but she happened to be at KL campus for those doing Medic, Dentistry or any allied science field..Me, of coz was so in heaven at Perbukitan Bangi...(Cinta UKM!!!!Yeah)
We shared a lot of stories, she's a shoulder to cry on..thru good or bad..she helped me to face thorns of life...lending me her ears day n nite..SHE'S ALL EARS!!!
I still remember she asked me to help her washing our dormitory's curtain late at night, we were in Form 3 by that time..haha, terlebih rajin ini budak..n paling tak tahan was when she asked me to join her combing the praying mat!!!(memang pompuan nie xde keje lain)..not to mention when she asked me to join her cleaning our toileteries basket using cotton bud!!
So readers, here are some pics taken on her pinky engagement day!
Btw,pink is my favourite colour...do I have 2 tell???
LADAP = Latihan Dalam Perkhidmatan
Now, I'm counting the days for her wedding..
Reason 1:I'l become the MC for tepung tawar session
Reason 2: my tarian kids Gumilang Sari will be performing on her big day!!!
Reason 3: I'm afraid I'm losing my BEST friend!!I think that was what I concerned MOST!!
To Farah, "Kudoakan tenang menghadapi hari-hari terakhir sebelum menjadi milik sang suami tercinta, didoakan hidup dilimpahi mawaddah warahmah, diulit kasih sayang berpanjangan dan kesabaran menemani hari-harimu selepas ini sebagai isteri terbaik buat si dia yang telah terpilih untuk bersamamu, Amin Ya Rabbal 'Alamin"
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