I told myself, u must update this blog before the year ends..haha..n one of my students said, "apsal teacher tak habis2 baling tepung?"..hoho, it reminded me of my (again) abandoned blog...haish, I shudnt have started one;)
For the past few months, my hubby n I were in "HURU HARA PERIOUD"..he was SOOOO occupied with his conversion classes, line training and check..(well, I dont really know the exact terms used for those pilots training)..alhamdulillah he managed to finish all and I'm now waiting for him to be officially called "captain"..whatever it is, we always have this thought "What is there with titles??" erm..
So, the day he finished his HURU HARA perioud, I said.."Well, it's time for a vacation!!Phuket may be"..harhar..just a small try, naughty me=)
He ran up the stairs, n I bet he watched tv or playing games, while I would spend hours in facebook n my fashion magazines,harharhar..then, he asked.."so u feel like going??"..n me gave all my reasons and causes..he finally said "alrite, let's do the booking.."Yeay!!I was so happy, people say NO HARM TRYING!Gagagagaga=)
Oh dear,I'll be going to Phuket in few hours time n I havent packed any single stuff yet!!I was not really sure if this is a penyakit or what..but, I'll face the same problem everytime I'm leaving for matter it's a vacation, a course, a competition, going back to kampung. going back to hostel or college (back to d old days)..I just couldnt pack my stuffs early..I won't be sleeping and will be delaying my packing,grrr...wonder, but that is what gonna happen every time=(
Well. I hope I'l manage to pack nice clothes n scarves to wear!Yeah, I'll be in Phuket in few hours=)
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Kecelaruan Minda
Sy sebenarnya nak upload entri "Kenapa saya tak mau berhenti mengajar"..tapi hari ni saya nak tulis pasal lain pula..
Saya adakalanya terfikir apa perasaannya bila ada anak?mesti best..erk, sebab sy belum ada anak..
tapi hari ni sy terfikir, "Sanggupkah?Mampukah?"
kerana melihatkan apa2 yang terhidang di media, di persekitaran mereka,especially melihat gambar2 dan aktiviti remaja sekarang, erk..saya sangat takut.Saya terfikir, mampukah saya mengawal anak2 saya nanti? Bagaimana nak tangani gejala sosial yg tak tunggu remaja je, kanak2 pun dah amat mudah "polluted"..erk, mmg sy faham mungkin anda akan kata."Kita harus bekalkan bekalan ilmu agama"..dan ayat2 klise yg lain..benar..benar..tapi melihatkan penguasaan benda yang menjadi "normalisasi", erm..saya amatt takut!!
Sebab tu sy pernah tulis kat FB sy, "Lebih baik tak tahu daripada tahu, lebih baik tak dapat daripada dapat"..sangat luas maksud ayat sy tulis itu..
Ya Allah..semoga kita semua diberi kekuatan. Dan yang paling penting kita ahrus bersyukur, apa sahaja..kita asyik mensyukuri nikmat, tapi kita jarangkali mensyukuri musibah..segalanya milik Allah..Moga saya terus diberi kekuatan untuk meneruskan segala usaha, baik dari segi mendidik generasi, mendidik, koreksi diri, itu yang terbaik!
Sy sebenarnya nak upload entri "Kenapa saya tak mau berhenti mengajar"..tapi hari ni saya nak tulis pasal lain pula..
Saya adakalanya terfikir apa perasaannya bila ada anak?mesti best..erk, sebab sy belum ada anak..
tapi hari ni sy terfikir, "Sanggupkah?Mampukah?"
kerana melihatkan apa2 yang terhidang di media, di persekitaran mereka,especially melihat gambar2 dan aktiviti remaja sekarang, erk..saya sangat takut.Saya terfikir, mampukah saya mengawal anak2 saya nanti? Bagaimana nak tangani gejala sosial yg tak tunggu remaja je, kanak2 pun dah amat mudah "polluted"..erk, mmg sy faham mungkin anda akan kata."Kita harus bekalkan bekalan ilmu agama"..dan ayat2 klise yg lain..benar..benar..tapi melihatkan penguasaan benda yang menjadi "normalisasi", erm..saya amatt takut!!
Sebab tu sy pernah tulis kat FB sy, "Lebih baik tak tahu daripada tahu, lebih baik tak dapat daripada dapat"..sangat luas maksud ayat sy tulis itu..
Ya Allah..semoga kita semua diberi kekuatan. Dan yang paling penting kita ahrus bersyukur, apa sahaja..kita asyik mensyukuri nikmat, tapi kita jarangkali mensyukuri musibah..segalanya milik Allah..Moga saya terus diberi kekuatan untuk meneruskan segala usaha, baik dari segi mendidik generasi, mendidik, koreksi diri, itu yang terbaik!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Baling Tepung
I was teaching Science in 4 Kemanusiaan 1 (4K1), suddenly Ina (kerani) came n said, "Maaf ye Cikgu Seri, Pengetua panggil si polan dan si polan"
it wasnt surprising me at all, these two boyz are naughty..but I'm ok with it=) biasa la budak2 nakal yg baru semalam tido atas lantai kat makmal, bila buat eksperimen pandai pulak jaga..hehe..
I continued my teaching, erm..electrolysis, anode, cathode, anion, cation blablabla..once they came back from Pengetua's room, I pun berkata..
"duk elok2, ape2 yg tak baik, tinggal kat luar dulu, fokus kat ape yg sy ajar nie"
tibalah masa utk membuat latihan, maka saya pun berhenti mengajar dan bertanya..
'Apsal ek awak kena panggil?'..hehe, memang I minah k-pochi
Polan pun bercerita blablabla..
'Pengetua tanya kalau2 sy ada baling tepung kat kelas 5 Akaun ptg smlm'
Nape lak nak baling tepung?
Sebab kelas tu kan menang kelas tercantik 5 bulan berturut2..
Oh ye, so awak ke yg baling?
sy x ngaku Teacher, maksudnya sy tak buat la..
erm, ok..fullstop (I suka pd pendekatan "innocent until proven guilty")
dlm hati sy tergelak2, lama tak dengar pkataan baling tepung, biasa kita buat masa kat skolah sbb nak celebrate b'day ke habis blaja ke..nie kes diorg dengki kelas tu dpt RM300 sbb dpt menang 5 bulan berturut2.
Persoalan: perasaan dengki sbb kelas tu lebih baik, ada positifnya, dan sy la guru yg in charge ptandingan kebersihan tu pd tahun kalau sampai nak serak2kan tepung kat kelas tu, mcm amat tak patut (negatif sekali). Pastu,diriku berfikir kalau ape2 yg sy buat mesti kecoh, seperti ptdgn kebersihan kelas ni, ptdgn nyanyian sempena Hari Koperasi, psembahan tarian, dikir barat Hari Guru etc..boleh tak I nak fikir positif n sedikit perasan hari ni, "sebab ape2 yg I buat memberi impak maksima, hehe.."
p/s: Jangan marah ye, kita kan kena yakin pada diri=p
I was teaching Science in 4 Kemanusiaan 1 (4K1), suddenly Ina (kerani) came n said, "Maaf ye Cikgu Seri, Pengetua panggil si polan dan si polan"
it wasnt surprising me at all, these two boyz are naughty..but I'm ok with it=) biasa la budak2 nakal yg baru semalam tido atas lantai kat makmal, bila buat eksperimen pandai pulak jaga..hehe..
I continued my teaching, erm..electrolysis, anode, cathode, anion, cation blablabla..once they came back from Pengetua's room, I pun berkata..
"duk elok2, ape2 yg tak baik, tinggal kat luar dulu, fokus kat ape yg sy ajar nie"
tibalah masa utk membuat latihan, maka saya pun berhenti mengajar dan bertanya..
'Apsal ek awak kena panggil?'..hehe, memang I minah k-pochi
Polan pun bercerita blablabla..
'Pengetua tanya kalau2 sy ada baling tepung kat kelas 5 Akaun ptg smlm'
Nape lak nak baling tepung?
Sebab kelas tu kan menang kelas tercantik 5 bulan berturut2..
Oh ye, so awak ke yg baling?
sy x ngaku Teacher, maksudnya sy tak buat la..
erm, ok..fullstop (I suka pd pendekatan "innocent until proven guilty")
dlm hati sy tergelak2, lama tak dengar pkataan baling tepung, biasa kita buat masa kat skolah sbb nak celebrate b'day ke habis blaja ke..nie kes diorg dengki kelas tu dpt RM300 sbb dpt menang 5 bulan berturut2.
Persoalan: perasaan dengki sbb kelas tu lebih baik, ada positifnya, dan sy la guru yg in charge ptandingan kebersihan tu pd tahun kalau sampai nak serak2kan tepung kat kelas tu, mcm amat tak patut (negatif sekali). Pastu,diriku berfikir kalau ape2 yg sy buat mesti kecoh, seperti ptdgn kebersihan kelas ni, ptdgn nyanyian sempena Hari Koperasi, psembahan tarian, dikir barat Hari Guru etc..boleh tak I nak fikir positif n sedikit perasan hari ni, "sebab ape2 yg I buat memberi impak maksima, hehe.."
p/s: Jangan marah ye, kita kan kena yakin pada diri=p
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
CupCakes Fever

Am waiting for my cupcakes to be ready!!
(hubby left the house n I was so bored got no one to talk to, n decided to bake)
I wonder how..I wonder why..but I was suddenly caught by the "cupcakes baking n decorating fever"..erm, is it related with the just ended World Cup fever??hehe..whatever it is, I'm happy doing it n I found it's such a wonderful things to do, especially when u r doing it with ur beloved a matter of fact, my husband is far away better than me(in this particular field only, or a lot of other field as well,heheh)believe it?See the pics as published in my facebook account previous week..


Owh, lemme tell u what makes me write tonite?while inserting the tray into the oven, I suddenly felt so sad, I miss my mom..erm, of course I did not have a Siemen oven back in my childhood, we only have a typical black oven (I bet u know which one I meant, pakai api ye, bukan pakai elektrik)..but I still remember those time when my mom told me..
'dulu2 masa korang kecik mak buat la kek, pakai periuk kukus, ala..nak buat skarang bolehla beli kek..dulu2 org tak byk duit, semua nak jimat'
so, everytime I make cupcakes I will definitely think of my mom..well, though she's not good in baking, most probably bcos she doesnt have the chance to do so..but deep inside I wanna tell her, "Mak, I now can bake a cake in a better oven"..erm, mak selalu pesan.."kita mesti ada penambahbaikan dlm keluarga" mak, saya telah, akan dan sentiasa melakukannya..Miss u Mak!!
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Lamanya tak menulis, byk sebab:
=fokus pd treatment IVF
=berjaya mengandung, tp kekecewaan dgn keguguran kali ke-2
=mengambil masa bersendirian utk pulih kembali semangat
=bz ngan spa yg sgt perlu perhatian
=terlampau byk nak luahkan sampai tak terluah..
Jadi, hari ni sementara tunggu kek coklat siap, gagahkan diri utk kembali menceriakan blog sebelum ia bersawang=)
Baru dengar result Mohd iaitu mentor Ziana Zain yg menang w'pun secara peribadi sy rasa dia taklah sebagus mana..oleh itu,sy fikir apa yg selalu sy katakan adalah benar.."POPULAR TAK SEMESTINYA TERBAIK"
Lamanya tak menulis, byk sebab:
=fokus pd treatment IVF
=berjaya mengandung, tp kekecewaan dgn keguguran kali ke-2
=mengambil masa bersendirian utk pulih kembali semangat
=bz ngan spa yg sgt perlu perhatian
=terlampau byk nak luahkan sampai tak terluah..
Jadi, hari ni sementara tunggu kek coklat siap, gagahkan diri utk kembali menceriakan blog sebelum ia bersawang=)
Baru dengar result Mohd iaitu mentor Ziana Zain yg menang w'pun secara peribadi sy rasa dia taklah sebagus mana..oleh itu,sy fikir apa yg selalu sy katakan adalah benar.."POPULAR TAK SEMESTINYA TERBAIK"
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Satu Untuk Semua
I supposed to have "Exhausted Part 2", but I failed to write..heheh..morale of the story, never have any intention to put serial entries..hehe..friendly reminder for myself=)
yeah, about the Exhausted was all about my around the clock extremely packed schedule that made me turned cuckoo!!heheh..I did not even have the chance to complete my facial routine..I mean the DIY facial, not to tell about my nail..nak potong pun tak sempat!Ishishish...Everyday is about work n work (kerja wajib=cikgu, kerja sampingan=spa, kerja hobi=show/tarian, kerja mengarut=melepak)..I had once yelled in my facebook status, I need a vacation!!Definitely, I need one!...hubby kept on saying to go to London by end of this year..erm, but I don't think he meant it...haha
So, after quite sometimes since my last I would like to share about my Gumilang Sari attempt in School Got Talent-Online Competition..I was given this task by my Pengetua. She said, 'let's give it a try..manalah tau menang RM10K!!' hehe..competition was sponsored by TM and SKMM. Gumilang Sari had their practices for about two weeks though we have problems to get permanent members..u knoe its kinda hard to get boys to join u in dancing club (I mean traditional dance) since they are all prefer to learn on how to shuffle!At the end of the day, I decided to have 7 girlz n only 3 boyz in the team..actually I planned to have equal no.
Video Shooting by SKMM personnel (but the fasilitator mentioned SND, what ever) was held on April 1st. Thanx a lot to Cikgu Sarimah n Cikgu Zarina who had helped me a lot with this..well, I wasnt in a good condition starting March these two teachers had played their important roles to make this happen. So readers, u may register urself in and vote for my team, SMK Cyberjaya-Satu Utk Semua starting May 1st. May be ur vote can help our team to be qualified to the semi final..well, zaman dah berubah. Schools competition format also changed..n I keep on reminding myself, dunia sekarang dunia IT, siapa menguasai IT, maka dia menjadi paling berkuasa..I teringat the last PRU, Pakatan Rakyat menang sbb mereka lebih celik IT dan bijak memanipulasikan kuasa IT, berbanding BN yang pada ketika itu lebih selesa dgn media tradisional.I learnt a lot from there..n it somehow urged me to have this blog. N when Pengetua gave me the task, I terus teringat senario PRU itu.
Now, lets enjoy the pics..captured by Miya, a Gumilang Sari member who wants to leave the group to give 100% focus on PMR..All the best Miya!
But now I'm in a total rest phase!hehe..will update u soon=)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
exhausted..Part 1
I had just arrived home and now savouring my super late lunch cum dinner..alone, yeah...all alone..again and again..(I'm fine with it)
Mm, let me tell u my super duper hectic days..I had one week holidays and spent the time at home and school (particularly for tarian training, sbb keje lain x buat pun...hehe)So it was all about the same from Monday (15th) to Friday(19th). Friday night,approximately 10.30pm hubby arrived from Rome?Paris?ntah..I cudnt recall..(sign of aging??)and me forced him to accompany me to get the tarian costumes for Gumilang Sari show from Syahnawi Creation@Serdang.We then tidoq tak ingat dunia!!
Saturday morning: 9.00 am Gumilang Sari 1pm,done and I rushed to Gha's studio (my aerobic n pilates instructor) at Kota Warisan to get songkok Melaka??eh??ke ape pun nama dia la..the minangkabau headgear..On my back home, hubby texted me telling that mom n dad n Nazirah (my chatterbox niece)are coming to my house, their car was somehow giving a freaking sound and they chosed to check at any workshop available in Bandar Seri Putra..They were on their way to Tiara Beach Resort,Port Dickson. N I'm supposed to join them later.
So, when they arrived, mom said.."boleh pegi skarang??" means.."mak, ayah n Nazirah naik kete ko la sbb mak takut la nak bawa keta tu gi PD, kang ape lagi lah bunyi dia buat.." N hubby n I was like lipas kudung kemas barang, alah nothing to bawa nite vacation jer..So, here are the pics at Port Dickson.
Spent a nite there and the following day we were rushing home because I need to be at school before 1pm for two reasons:
#1 to check on Kelab Kebudayaan Trip to MATIC for Teater Gamat, 40 students are going and Cikgu Zarina n Nada will be the chaperones.
#2 to fetch all those Gumilang Sari dancer to Dewan Perdana Felda for a wedding show.
by 2.00pm : We left school heading to Dewan Perdana Felda..and the havoc are as seen in following pictures..
Show finished about 10pm and I only managed to reach home by 1.45am after sending all those dancers home at Bandar Bukit Puchong 2, Pulau Meranti, Kuarters Bomba Cyberjaya, Dengkil, and Kota Warisan..ITULAH KEISTIMEWAAN SMK CYBERJAYA-students datang dari segala ceruk yang jauh-jauh antara satu sama lain..(hantar depan pintu, anak2 orang nie..)Special thanx to Mr Hubby for ur kindness helping me with those kids.Thanx again hubby, I owe you 1,2,3,4=p
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
I just came back from my spa..yeah, check out from skul by 4.20pm, then makan2 sesion at Restoran Mak Teh Cyberjaya together with Maz(of coz), Nada, Hasma n Kak Isma..all are singles but me..hehe..normal scenario, when hubby not around, I'l be 'single' la..hehe..
After had a super LATE lunch (wajar ke dipanggil lunch?), we then made our own way back home..Maz, Hasma n K.Isma to Putrajaya, Nada to Nilai n me to my 'SENJA PERMAI'..Bandar Seri Putra..shoot straight to spa to get any updates n questionnaires posted by my super duper SMAPK senior A.K.A my facebook friend, Kak Aya..I left spa by 7pm, had some discussion with my staf's parent, n then planned to go to stationary shop.Jangan marah..I amat suka beli stationery, walaupun tak pakai...hoho...SGT BUDAK SEKOLAH=)
But, I called it off then..REASON??I didnt get a parking!!haha...what a lame excuse, but that's the truth!!terus nak keluar junction dan TERHEGEH-HEGEH menunggu turn nak kuau!!PERSOALAN??Bandar Seri Putra dah mula sibuk, mana ceruk lagi aku nak duduk??
(Perhatian: Tahap toleransi kepadatan saya AMAT RENDAH!!)Sy TIDAK SUKA tempat ramai orang sehingga saya digelakkan oleh kawan2 saya membeli barang di South City Plaza yg giler xde org!!tempat2 seperti Mid Valley, KLCC adalah allergic utk saya..begitu juga IKEA dan The Curve,,sy hanya pergi pd hari bekerja..weekend???saya tak kan mampu utk pergi!!Dan saya TIDAK gila shopping!!!saya hanya beli ape yg saya mahu dan kebanyakannya saya beli online, hehe..
Conclusion??WORK HARDER AND SAVE MORE, CAN BUY A NEW HOUSE di tempat yg TAK PADAT!!But where??
I just came back from my spa..yeah, check out from skul by 4.20pm, then makan2 sesion at Restoran Mak Teh Cyberjaya together with Maz(of coz), Nada, Hasma n Kak Isma..all are singles but me..hehe..normal scenario, when hubby not around, I'l be 'single' la..hehe..
After had a super LATE lunch (wajar ke dipanggil lunch?), we then made our own way back home..Maz, Hasma n K.Isma to Putrajaya, Nada to Nilai n me to my 'SENJA PERMAI'..Bandar Seri Putra..shoot straight to spa to get any updates n questionnaires posted by my super duper SMAPK senior A.K.A my facebook friend, Kak Aya..I left spa by 7pm, had some discussion with my staf's parent, n then planned to go to stationary shop.Jangan marah..I amat suka beli stationery, walaupun tak pakai...hoho...SGT BUDAK SEKOLAH=)
But, I called it off then..REASON??I didnt get a parking!!haha...what a lame excuse, but that's the truth!!terus nak keluar junction dan TERHEGEH-HEGEH menunggu turn nak kuau!!PERSOALAN??Bandar Seri Putra dah mula sibuk, mana ceruk lagi aku nak duduk??
(Perhatian: Tahap toleransi kepadatan saya AMAT RENDAH!!)Sy TIDAK SUKA tempat ramai orang sehingga saya digelakkan oleh kawan2 saya membeli barang di South City Plaza yg giler xde org!!tempat2 seperti Mid Valley, KLCC adalah allergic utk saya..begitu juga IKEA dan The Curve,,sy hanya pergi pd hari bekerja..weekend???saya tak kan mampu utk pergi!!Dan saya TIDAK gila shopping!!!saya hanya beli ape yg saya mahu dan kebanyakannya saya beli online, hehe..
Conclusion??WORK HARDER AND SAVE MORE, CAN BUY A NEW HOUSE di tempat yg TAK PADAT!!But where??
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Missing someone until I cry!!
Hate it!!
I hate it when you are not around and the fact that you didn't call..
Hate it!!
I hate it when you are not around and the fact that you didn't call..
Thursday, February 18, 2010
A shoulder to cry on
I'm now writing from my school's desktop, haha..running from my unreliabale ACER zaman tok kadok because hubby brought his HP to work..I supposed to do some marking, but I chose to update my blog. (Betapa tak fokusnya cikgu ini..)
Hey, what made me here?I mean school??mm, to be honest it is just because I need some space to write, I mean to let my feeling off!!that's the truth. About marking, PEKA, Fail Kebersihan, question papers etc. I can simply bring it home and do it..BUT I'm still here in front of my pc just to share a story..a story about my spa..
I seldom write or tell about my spa because I dont really like people to know any problems occur in my business.And being a businesswoman (so called), I believe that I need to be strong to face any obstacles and unexpected problems that sometimes really ruin my mood n energy!!Exhausting!!
What happened today? I went to spa and do some clerical thingy, (biase la ntah ape2 je la yg I akan buat kan)..and when I was about to leave my spa, I saw Akma (my staff) watery eyes..I stood in front of her and asked why..she refused to talk, n I knew she tried to hold her tears..Well, I let her cry for few seconds before asking her again..waited patiently n she finally told me abot her worries..(which actually is something that I'm worrying about too!!)She's worrying about the fact that we havent got any new beautician to replace those who had left us for studies n etc (I do not want to elaborate)..It's ok readers, I'll take care of it.This is not my very first time facing and handling those troubles..I called my mom 2 days before to tell her, "Mak, kita dah tak larat dah mak..dah jadi lali dah..mcm2 dah berlaku pun..", n my mom as always will text me later, "be tough, good girl"..Well, she still call me a girl (I love you Mak)..
My point is, Akma can cry and I can be her shoulder to cry on..she still have the tears to cry..n she still have me to listen..what about me??I takut nak fikir sebab kenapa I dah tak boleh nak nangis, sometimes I think I'm just too egoist to cry..or is it becaused I had lost my feelings??My neighbour had once said,"Jangan biarkan diri Seri jd sampai xde perasaan..hati kering jer."
Oh no..I was driving to school just now carrying all those emotional baggage (nie pun satu masalah gak, bawak kereta dgn minda ntah kat mana2)..Ye ke aku nie dah tak de perasaan??or I just have to be strong to face everything??I need a shoulder to cry on...
Ya Allah, begitu sarat mindaku, bantulah dan ringankanlah..
I'm now writing from my school's desktop, haha..running from my unreliabale ACER zaman tok kadok because hubby brought his HP to work..I supposed to do some marking, but I chose to update my blog. (Betapa tak fokusnya cikgu ini..)
Hey, what made me here?I mean school??mm, to be honest it is just because I need some space to write, I mean to let my feeling off!!that's the truth. About marking, PEKA, Fail Kebersihan, question papers etc. I can simply bring it home and do it..BUT I'm still here in front of my pc just to share a story..a story about my spa..
I seldom write or tell about my spa because I dont really like people to know any problems occur in my business.And being a businesswoman (so called), I believe that I need to be strong to face any obstacles and unexpected problems that sometimes really ruin my mood n energy!!Exhausting!!
What happened today? I went to spa and do some clerical thingy, (biase la ntah ape2 je la yg I akan buat kan)..and when I was about to leave my spa, I saw Akma (my staff) watery eyes..I stood in front of her and asked why..she refused to talk, n I knew she tried to hold her tears..Well, I let her cry for few seconds before asking her again..waited patiently n she finally told me abot her worries..(which actually is something that I'm worrying about too!!)She's worrying about the fact that we havent got any new beautician to replace those who had left us for studies n etc (I do not want to elaborate)..It's ok readers, I'll take care of it.This is not my very first time facing and handling those troubles..I called my mom 2 days before to tell her, "Mak, kita dah tak larat dah mak..dah jadi lali dah..mcm2 dah berlaku pun..", n my mom as always will text me later, "be tough, good girl"..Well, she still call me a girl (I love you Mak)..
My point is, Akma can cry and I can be her shoulder to cry on..she still have the tears to cry..n she still have me to listen..what about me??I takut nak fikir sebab kenapa I dah tak boleh nak nangis, sometimes I think I'm just too egoist to cry..or is it becaused I had lost my feelings??My neighbour had once said,"Jangan biarkan diri Seri jd sampai xde perasaan..hati kering jer."
Oh no..I was driving to school just now carrying all those emotional baggage (nie pun satu masalah gak, bawak kereta dgn minda ntah kat mana2)..Ye ke aku nie dah tak de perasaan??or I just have to be strong to face everything??I need a shoulder to cry on...
Ya Allah, begitu sarat mindaku, bantulah dan ringankanlah..
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Bukan Kemahuan Fikiran
This is what I DONT LIKE!!!
My hubby went off to work,n me living all alone in the middle of nowhere..
So, I ended up searching songs from Youtube n listened to it. This week had somehow turned to be Fauziah Latif week..I listened to all the songs that I used to get hooked up to when I was a teenager. Zaman jiwang karat, zaman when u listen to songs that will make u feel motivated or delighted, (Ye ke??)hehe..n hanyut dibuai asmara juga..haha..
N this lyrics is relly meaningful to me (once, n maybe for now as well..)
Aku relakan kau pergi dari sisi hatiku
Begini lama setelah tiada jalan penyudah
Jiwa yang hampa kan bertanya apa masih
Percintaan bukanlah kemahuan fikiran
Di perasaan tersimpan segalanya rahsia
Dan tiada dapat kutahankan rindu itu
Di antara kita bicara berbeza
Siapa yang merasa dia melara
Tiada upaya menahan derita
Cinta yang hampa
Seraut wajahmu yang paling indah
Walau ia ________ di hati ini
Seterusnya hidup bersimpul di dalam diri ini
Terlepaslah diriku dari rindu yang sarat
Aku kini tenggelam dalam sendu berbisa selamanya
Wah, I boleh tulis lirik tu without listening to it??sangat hafal?sangat bermakna kah?
Aku bagaikan sebutir pasir, yang lemah lagi kerdil.
My hubby went off to work,n me living all alone in the middle of nowhere..
So, I ended up searching songs from Youtube n listened to it. This week had somehow turned to be Fauziah Latif week..I listened to all the songs that I used to get hooked up to when I was a teenager. Zaman jiwang karat, zaman when u listen to songs that will make u feel motivated or delighted, (Ye ke??)hehe..n hanyut dibuai asmara juga..haha..
N this lyrics is relly meaningful to me (once, n maybe for now as well..)
Aku relakan kau pergi dari sisi hatiku
Begini lama setelah tiada jalan penyudah
Jiwa yang hampa kan bertanya apa masih
Percintaan bukanlah kemahuan fikiran
Di perasaan tersimpan segalanya rahsia
Dan tiada dapat kutahankan rindu itu
Di antara kita bicara berbeza
Siapa yang merasa dia melara
Tiada upaya menahan derita
Cinta yang hampa
Seraut wajahmu yang paling indah
Walau ia ________ di hati ini
Seterusnya hidup bersimpul di dalam diri ini
Terlepaslah diriku dari rindu yang sarat
Aku kini tenggelam dalam sendu berbisa selamanya
Wah, I boleh tulis lirik tu without listening to it??sangat hafal?sangat bermakna kah?
Aku bagaikan sebutir pasir, yang lemah lagi kerdil.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Last Day before school reopens
3rd Jan 2010:
3.30 pm:Met Maznita at Maybank Seksyen 9 Bdr Baru Bangi (our registered meeting point), then Maznita drove to Puchong to get her new baju kurung Pahang from Ita(our registered tailor)
4.30 pm: Had our last 'mengeteh' session before new schooling session at Nuin, Little Perak in Bangi..had our teh tarik Ipoh, Popia Taiping n Nasi lemak Ipoh, Maz however chose to have Nasi Ayam Pasir Salak
5.30 pm: Had my spa session...haha, a good starter!!Takut nanti dah skolah tak sempat nak g spa pun!!A relaxation n soothing session however turned out to be somewhat a painful n sickening treatment!!!argh!!I dun really like it..(baik aku gi spa aku jeh)
7.30 pm: Rushed to stationery shop to get some stationeries, was so full!!Tak sangka parents n students pun chose to do last minute shopping!!Arghhh, I tak suka sesak2..
Sampai rumah terfikir..if I chose to do things earlier,mesti la tak perlu terkocoh-kacah pun kan??? somehow same je ngan semua org, semua benda pun nak buat pada saat2 akhir!!Typical me!!
To all, happy new year!It's back to school time=)
3rd Jan 2010:
3.30 pm:Met Maznita at Maybank Seksyen 9 Bdr Baru Bangi (our registered meeting point), then Maznita drove to Puchong to get her new baju kurung Pahang from Ita(our registered tailor)
4.30 pm: Had our last 'mengeteh' session before new schooling session at Nuin, Little Perak in Bangi..had our teh tarik Ipoh, Popia Taiping n Nasi lemak Ipoh, Maz however chose to have Nasi Ayam Pasir Salak
5.30 pm: Had my spa session...haha, a good starter!!Takut nanti dah skolah tak sempat nak g spa pun!!A relaxation n soothing session however turned out to be somewhat a painful n sickening treatment!!!argh!!I dun really like it..(baik aku gi spa aku jeh)
7.30 pm: Rushed to stationery shop to get some stationeries, was so full!!Tak sangka parents n students pun chose to do last minute shopping!!Arghhh, I tak suka sesak2..
Sampai rumah terfikir..if I chose to do things earlier,mesti la tak perlu terkocoh-kacah pun kan??? somehow same je ngan semua org, semua benda pun nak buat pada saat2 akhir!!Typical me!!
To all, happy new year!It's back to school time=)
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About Me
- serizal
- I'm a dedicated teacher at the same time a not so vogue spa owner, I'm a spa lover, a pinkaholic and very loveable person!