Entri ini tercetus setelah beberapa hari perasaan hiba ini bergalang di hati..
I went to my eldest bro house warming at Alam Budiman, Shah Alam 2..
As far as I concerned the area is well known as Puncak Alam.I saw UiTM campus on the way to his house.That was my very first time heading to that area from Bangi on my own. My hubby was in Australia that day. I tried to get help from GPS, but as usual I did not know on how to use it, hehe...poor me(I'm blind with all those gadgets!!, my colleagues used to call me 'Buta IT' last time)But in time, I'l find my way to the IT world..otherwise I wont have this boring blog rite=p)
I finally arrived my bro's place when they already performed their Solat Maghrib and was reciting yasin..haha..at least, I managed to be there to mengAminkan doa.
I like the house design n my nephew's, Ahmad Dhiaul Haq new bed, n his collections of girly story books, haha..but it's not my point here.
I need to leave early since I'm driving alone. So after finishing my meal n had some talk with my family members,
I walked to my car. My mom yelled, "Nanti jgn lupa amik lauk"..oh my, my mom will always have food to give to all her children..Whenever we meet at any occasion, any place, any reason..Org dulu2 kata, bingkisan. So before I left, I took the well packed food..yeah, it's all in the same sized microwave oven safe containers(mak beli tau kat kedai cina tu),put in 2 layers plastic bag(supaya tak meleleh keluar kalau tumpah) n together with a basin(tak lah goyang2 dlm kereta ko nanti)..
I always had a thought in my mind, can I do the same to my children??Mak will always be EXTRA prepared everytime she travels to see her sons and daughters..ops, credit to Ayah sebab AYAH WILL BE THE ONE WHO COOKS!Tp ayah akan buat benda yg mak dah plan..well, they are GOOD TEAM!
When I arrived home, I quickly open the bingkisan (balik nanti panaskan ape yg patut, nanti kang basi)..n I sat down in tears..
I was alone there, the food are for my husband..he likes pulut kuning so much, eversince we married, my mom n dad will prepare pulut kuning everytime we balik Kuala Selangor without fail..N if he couldt join any kenduri, gathering etc..there'll always be a ""bingkisan" for him
I just love the way my parents showed their love for their children..this is one example of 1001 ways they had shown..despite of any negative views some people would say to the way they raised us..To me, every parents will give their BEST to their children..n I believe my parents had and will always do the best for us, in their own way..The question is: Had I done enough for my parents n Can I do the same to my children later? Eventhough I do not have any kids for now, but I know somehow, somewhen I will...n I want to be as good as my parents!
SATU kasih yang abadi, tiada tandingi DIA yang satu
DUA sayang berpanjangan, membawa ke syurga kasihnya Ibu
TIGA lapar dan dahaga, rela berpayahan setianya Ayah
kak seri!
ReplyDeleteteringat arwah mak saya. selalu pack makanan, sama mcm mak kak seri buat. sometimes alas surat kabar b4 letak dlm plastik so kalau tumpah plastik x basah!
ada sekali tu kami adik beradik was away (singapore) for 3 days. and ayah requested masak cendawan tiram lemak cili api while we're gone. u know what my mom did? arwah mak kept aside a portion from the lauk, then frozen kan lauk tu. and when we get home, she happily panaskan balik lauk tu utk kitorg semua makan.
mom is irreplacable! may Allah bless all mothers with endless rahmah & mawaddah. ameen!
Salam Hikmah..
ReplyDeleteBetul tu Hikmah, makin kita dewasa, makin kita faham erti kasih sayang dan pengorbanan.
Moga2 kehidupan kita dirahmati Allah..
omg, feel like crying baca ur post ni. so very touching. and made me think what you thought. :)
ReplyDeleteOhhh kak Seri, airmata ku gugur satu persatu membaca entri ini~~
ReplyDeleteRindunya pada arwah emak... :'(
Dan sekarang, baktiku hanya pada abah~~ :')